Predicate >ano$a>

Frameset: f1 "to establish/build/set"

   ARG0: agent, setter, builder
   ARG1: thing established, set, built


 (center/station |marokazi | مَرْكَزِ)
(NP (NP (Pierre |biyAr | بِيار)
	(the+NOT_IN_LEXICON |Aljmyl | الجميل))
    (ADJP (the+health/healthy/sanitary |AlS~iH~iy~i | الصِّحِّيِّ)
	  (and |wa- | وَ-)
	  (the+social |-Al{ijotimAEiy~i | -الاِجْتِماعِيِّ))
    (PUNC ")
    (SBAR (WHNP-1 (which/who/whom |Al~a*iy | الَّذِي))
	  (S (VP (establish/found/install+it/they/she |>ano$a>at- | أَنْشَأَت-)
		 (NP-OBJ (NP (it/him |-hu | -هُ))
			 (NP-1 (-NONE- *T*)))
		 (NP-SBJ (association/society |jamoEiy~apu | جَمْعِيَّةُ)
			 (NP (the+maternity |Al>umuwmapi | الأُمُومَةِ)
			     (and |wa- | وَ-)
			     (the+infancy |-AlTufuwlapi | -الطُفُولَةِ)))
		 (PUNC ,)
		 (PP-LOC (in |fiy | فِي)
			 (NP (area/zone/territory |minoTaqapi | مِنْطَقَةِ)
			     (NP (NP (Saint/Mar |mAr | مار)
				     (NOT_IN_LEXICON |mxAyl | مخايل))
				 (PUNC -)
				 (NP (the+river |Aln~ahori | النَّهْرِ))))))))))))
(PUNC .)) 

مَرْكَزِ بِيار الجميل الصِّحِّيِّ وَ- -الاِجْتِماعِيِّ " الَّذِي أَنْشَأَت- -هُ جَمْعِيَّةُ الأُمُومَةِ وَ- -الطُفُولَةِ 
, فِي مِنْطَقَةِ مار مخايل - النَّهْرِ .

ARG0: jamoEiy~apu Al>umuwmapi wa- -AlTufuwlapi
Gloss: the Ottoman army
ARG1: -hu *T*
Gloss: him
ARGM-LOC: fiy minoTaqapi mAr mxAyl - Aln~ahori
Gloss: in the area of Saint Mikhail Alnahri
REL:  >ano$a>